Monday, 16 December 2013


Chapter 20-22

Harker discovers the remaining boxes of earth is in Piccadilly, the group is discussing how they were to break into the house. It appears that burgling the house is Piccadilly is harder than the house at Carfax. 
Dr. Seward is amazed by the change in Renfield's character. 
"Oh no, oh no! I want no souls. Life is all I want." 
Renfiel has lost his in zoophagy.
In the end of the chapter he is discovered injured 
"[...] found him lying on his face on the floor, all covered with blood. I must go at once..." The use of Ellipsis build curiosity.  

Whilst dying Renfield explains what has happened to him. Dracula has visited him often and this time promising "not by words but by doing them"

I've noticed the common reference to dogs barking and movements in the mist. All this referencing to Dracula. It was used for Lucy, Mina and now Renfield too.  
Renfield was brave to take on Draula by himself but it only resulted in his death. 
"They burned into me and by strength became like water"

blood dripping mouth...

The chapter continues to Jonathan Harker's bedroom where he laid unconscious. This chapter is pretty intimate and sexual. The discovery of Mina drinking blood from Counts chest is very visual and intimate. 
"His eyes flamed red with devilish passion [...] the blood dripping mouth, champed together like those of a wild beast" Avery demonising imagery. This made me go into realisation of the vampier's true nature as I am used to the romantic style.

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